Saturday 30 October 2010

How to deal with the paranoid schizophrenia

More than half of patients with schizophrenia have the type "paranoid". Paranoid schizophrenia symptoms are more frequent and severe mainly because they attack someone in the last years of life, usually after the age of 30. The most prominent symptom of paranoid schizophrenia is auditory hallucinations or voice in simpler terms. Other symptoms of paranoid schizophrenia involve fear of persecution, folles thoughts or remote sensing and see things that others do.

Some basic symptoms include:

- hearing that others can't hear voices
The traps of - (as you have a case with Brad Pitt or your colleague is plotted a diabolical plan against you)
- Feeling of being attacked or harassed by someone
- Communicating with others in a tense way
- anxiety and depression
- Acting angry, jealous and violent 
- reserved and isolated Social workers activity ?
- deterioration of physical activity
- suicide attempt

As in other types of schizophrenia, paranoid schizophrenia patients meet symptoms deteriorated speech, lack of emotional expression and other types of this schizophrenia patients comportement.Les disorders may undergo some negative behaviour disorders but not to the extent of other symptoms.

What causes symptoms?

Basic source of paranoid schizophrenia type is not completely understood, but cerebral dysfunction occurs usually the culprit in this condition.Now when and how the brain dysfunction passes are still to be discovered and unveiled by researchers médicaux.Une low theory of dysfunction brain is that some genetic and environmental factors collide and give rise to the mental illness called paranoid schizophrenia.Imbalance in chemicals called neurotransmitters brain may be another reason paranoid schizophrenia.But once, no scientific evidence is available to save these theories.

What information the symptoms?

Paranoid schizophrenia symptoms are most often developed among the people in these conditions:

Family background- schizophrenia
- attack viruses or malnourished mother
- Constant stress and depression in life
- Harassment and abuse in childhood
- Drug addiction during adolescence

How paranoid schizophrenia symptoms control controls the reins of our brain?

Given the nature of these symptoms is so aggressive that patients are often reluctant to talk or look for a good treatment médical.Cette law may aggravate the condition in the long term, so make sure instant with a good doctor or psychiatrist communication is made to control the symptoms to temps.Parler to friends and family members, or to join the community of paranoid schizophrenia may also very well improve the condition of the patient.

Bottom line: if timely measures are not taken against symptoms, it is likely that the State can worsen over time, resulting in serious physical, emotional and behaviour as suicidal, drug abuse thoughts, family, loss of concentration, or same indulgence conflict problems some violent crimes! with aid and appropriate treatment of the mental disorder patients can lead a normal life and that is what should choose heureuse.Question, fear or treatment? the choice is all yours.

Learn more about the symptoms of paranoid schizophrenia, please visit the site of Marie Comptwa: symptoms of schizophrenia

Friday 29 October 2010

Mental fitness and mental illness

It is believed that mental disorders affect approximately 20% of the population in developed countries. Psychiatrists develop mental symptoms classification and the associated behavior that define mental illness. The terms that we hear most often reference to personality disorders, psychoses, and another group common anxiety disorder called.

By defining the mental fitness, one could say that our mental health is determined by the absence of these problems.

Personality disorders

These symptoms are such that the person in question is unable to lead a normal life, because of the eccentric, or slightly compulsive habits and behavior, usually accompanied by extreme shyness or inclination to schedules.

Paranoid personality is when a person has developed extreme suspicion and the reactions of unjustified suspicion.

Schizoid personalities are devoid of the ability and the desire to love and social relations.

Schizotypal disorder marked by disconnected thought, speech and behaviour.

Histrionic personalities were too spectacular of behaviour and expression.

Narcissistic personalities are self important and need attention and constant admiration.

Anti social personality is a history of violating the rights of others and counterfeit socially accepted rules and standards.

Personality limits has an unstable behavior toward others and modifiable-usually with a bad image.

Avoidant personality is hypersensitive to any planned or potential rejection humiliation or personal shame.

Dependent personality is too passive and reluctant to assume the responsibility.

Compulsive personalities are perfectionists and unable to express warm feelings.

Personality passive aggressive displays behavior quiet strength requests by stalling and bow.

Serious mental illness requiring professional treatment include those antisocial behaviour which has the potential to cause injury or distress to others. These include type of personality psychopath and also those with degrees of psychosis, schizophrenia, Alzheimer's, anxiety disorder, disorder bipolar, neurosis, phobia, and particularly serious are the ones in the violence of any kind.

We must be aware of the types of mental diseases that are common in the community, but it is more important that discipline us ourselves by following all the rules of this result in our personal mental ability.

Sally Janssen is a writer and educator who, at a young age, trained in Raja Yoga - this ancient science dealing with the spirit and its complexité.Par branch subsequently acquired an international reputation for its expertise and wisdom in the formation of the spirit.

In her wonderfully readable book, mental ability: The Complete self-help guide, it is simple, practical help to establish and maintain a mental ability like natural fitness principles can be applied by us personally tous.Le book self-help can be found here: is really an essential book for us tous.Vous can also visit his blog at

Thursday 28 October 2010

Types of schizophrenia

Schizophrenia is a disease of the brain, but it causes many mental health problems. The cause of this disease is not known, but bad genes appear to favorite hot. It affects both sexes. Although there are some cases of affected children, there is normally an overt disease during adolescence.

The symptoms of schizophrenia vary depending on the type of schizophrenia someone suffers from one. The most common form is the paranoid schizophrenia. The patient himself imagine a victim of all sorts of conspiracies. Everyone is out of him. To reinforce this point of view, hallucinations and delusions are common currency.He hears voices within the lui.Avec this persecution complex, it becomes extremely difficult to maintain relationships with family and friends.

Disorganized schizophrenia affects the ability of the person to think logically. A normal thought process recognises the relevance of a particular at that time thought, focuses on it and moves to the next in the sequence. Disorganized schizophrenia thoughts crowd whole brain and nothing gets is sorted. Catatonic schizophrenia causes a person emotionally flat. A normal emotional response to a particular situation will be absent in this person. It becomes dull, withdrawn and apathetic. There may be a psychomotor problem involved in Catatonic schizophrenia. Residual schizophrenia is a condition in which a person may have been treated and removes most of the symptoms of schizophrenia, but lacks a positive attitude to life. It should help to relaunch its process of thought to the positive side, away from zero is glorious in. People with schizoaffective disorder have symptoms of schizophrenia and much more.These people develop mood disorders, such as depression and manie.La undifferentiated schizophrenia is anything that can not be restricted as a particular type. It may have some symptoms of various types of schizophrenia.

Treatment of schizophrenia only treats the symptoms of the it it has no cure.But the symptoms can be very efficiently treated with antipsychotic drugs and anti-depressive anti-convulsive .Traitement Electro-convulsive, as a last resort, is very effective.

Schizophrenia provides detailed information about schizophrenia, types of schizophrenia, the symptoms of schizophrenia, treatment of schizophrenia and more encore.La schizophrenia is affiliated with the antidepressant side effects.

Wednesday 27 October 2010

Battlefield of the school

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The schools are on the front line of an epidemic. Through their nurses they hand out billions of controlled substances to young children each year for Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). I hear from many school nurses who are not happy about dispensing controlled substances to children. They have asked what they can do to help slow down this epidemic. On the other side of this issue are the parents who say that their child's teacher suggests their child be tested for ADHD and treated. And some teachers are also looking for non-drug options to help their challenging students. I offer the same information and suggestions to all three groups.

The National Institutes of Health published a statement on ADHD and the drugs used to treat it. Their experts determined that there is "no valid test" for ADHD. Identifying children and adults as ADHD is strictly subjective. A teacher who expects children to sit quietly all day may wish to label many of the children as ADHD. Yet a teacher, with the same set of children, may understand that young children need to move about and do lose interest in subject matter. This teacher would think her classroom was filled with normal children without psychiatric problems.

Many of the drugs prescribed by doctors for the symptoms called ADHD are Class II Scheduled, controlled substances in the same category as cocaine. This is what the FDA has to say about Ritalin, the most common drug prescribed for ADHD symptoms:

1. Ritalin is pharmacologically similar to and has the same dependency profile as cocaine.

2. Treatment with Ritalin in childhood predisposes takers to cocaine's reinforcing effects.

3. Chronic administration of Ritalin produces tolerance and showed cross-tolerance with cocaine.

4. Ritalin abuse is neither benign nor rare and is accurately described as producing severe dependency.

Since Adderall and Dexadrine are amphetamines, the above statements should be true of them as well.

At least 95% of the children seen in my office for ADHD symptoms have never had a physical exam before a psychiatric drug was prescribed. In addition to what the FDA says about Ritalin, these are the side-effects that the manufacturers of Ritalin and the other drugs say they can cause: Increased blood pressure, heart rate, respirations and temperature, appetite suppression, weight loss, growth retardation, facial tics, central nervous system stimulation, euphoria, nervousness, irritability, agitation, psychotic episodes, violent behavior, paranoid delusions, hallucinations, bizarre behaviors, heart arrhymias, palpitations, tolerance, psychological dependency and death.

Texas, Colorado, and 46 other states have made resolutions requiring school personnel to use proven academic and/or management solutions to resolve behavior, attention and learning problems. Programs such as tutoring, vision testing, phonics, nutritional guidance, medical examinations, allergy testing and other remedies known to be effective and harmless should be recommended to parents. Here are some suggestions toward compliance with these resolutions:

1. Remove Sugar from The Diet: Sugar does affect behavior. Sugar can cause a reactive low blood sugar reaction called hypoglycemia. When the body becomes hypoglycemic, the chemical adrenaline is then released and the child feels the "fight or flight" energy surge. The pupils in the eyes dilate; the heart rate increases and the child cannot sit still. The child cannot concentrate and can become agitated. The child does not choose to act that way. It is a physiological response.

A Yale study showed that adrenaline levels in children were ten times higher than normal up to five hours after ingesting sugar. All of the children in the study had symptoms of increased adrenaline.

To treat hypoglycemia, change the child's diet. Don't let the child get hungry and eliminate refined carbohydrates, such as candy, cakes, pies and soft drinks.

2. Provide Protein Meals and Snacks Every Two Hours: Children with low blood sugar can have symptoms if they do not eat often enough also. Skipping a meal or not eating often enough can have the same disastrous results as eating sweets. Children with symptoms of hypoglycemia need to eat several small meals each day. These snacks must contain some form of protein (nuts, cheese, and meat).

A child's protein snack can be kept at the nurse's station. Nut butter sandwiches with whole grain bread, (peanut butter, almond butter, etc.) are good options for snacks because they are high in protein, fat and complex carbohydrates. Trail mix snacks contain nuts, seeds and dried fruit. Just providing protein snacks every two hours has resulted in remarkable improvement in behavior and learning.

3. Water: Continual intake of fluids helps improve the body's biochemical functions. It helps flush out toxins and assists in digestion and nutrition. To simply grab a quick drink at the water fountain does not provide an opportunity to drink enough water to quench a thirst much less to take in the required minimum for the body. Children should be allowed to keep water at their desks in order to continuously quench their thirst and obtain enough fluids to allow their young bodies to function properly.

4. Recognize Nutritional Deficiency Symptoms: Specific nutrients are needed in our body to make the biochemical processes work properly. The nutrients act as co-factors for these biochemical reactions. Their importance in learning, attention and behavior are well documented in the literature.

A. Magnesium deficiency in children is characterized by excessive fidgeting, anxious restlessness, psychomotor instability and learning difficulties in the presence of normal IQ. (Magnesium in Health and Disease, Seelig, 1980)

B. Vitamin B6, in a double blind, cross-over study published in Biological Psychiatry (Vol. 14, no.5,1979), was found to be more effective than methylphenidate (Ritalin) in a group of hyperactive children.

C. According to the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition (33, 2,1980), when thiamine deficiency was corrected, behavior improved.

D. Niacin, was found to be helpful for the symptoms of hyperactivity, poor school performance, perceptual changes and inability to maintain social relationships (Schizophrenia, 3, 1971).

E. Zinc levels in children diagnosed with ADHD were found to be significantly lower than controls (Biol.Psychiatry, 1996).

F. DMAE, a neurotransmitter precursor, has been used for years to improve behaviors, mental concentration, puzzle solving ability and organization (J.Pediatrics,1958).

G. Lower levels of Omega-3 fatty acids were discovered in children who had more temper tantrums and sleep problems. (Stevens LJ, Zentall SS, Deck JL, Abate ML, Watkins BA, Lipp SR, Burgess JR.

H. Essential fatty acid metabolism in boys with attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder. Am J Clin Nutr 1995;62 (4):761 8).

5. Provide Time to Move Around: Physical activity is very important. Children need to take a break, get up and stretch, and get the circulation going. They have a greater physiological need to be active. When a child is fidgety and having difficulty concentrating it is time for a break. That is why recess is so important. Physical activity helps to revive energy and alertness so that the child returns to class more attentive and ready to learn. Physical play is an active form of learning. It is essential to development. It promotes gross motor skills necessary for learning. It enhances perceptual abilities through interaction and movement in a three-dimensional environment. Play reduces the tension and helps the child relax.

If the child has adrenaline on board, the physical activity will help expend it, helping to bring the body back to a calm, more chemically balanced state. A child who is having difficulty sitting still needs more time to move around, not less. Research by the American Association for the Children's Right to Play (Issue No. 55-Spring 1998 htttp:// looked at fourth grade children on recess days, PE days, and no break days. The results found that children were significantly less fidgety and more focused on their task after having recess.

6. Remove Perfumes, Fragrances and Other Stimulants from the Classroom: Clean, non-polluted air is extremely important to the health of our children. Fragrances can affect the nervous system sending inappropriate chemical messages through the nervous system, causing learning and behavior symptoms. Visual stimulation can also affect attention and behavior. Classrooms that are too busy can have a stimulating effect on students. If the teacher wears an "interesting" outfit with lots of colors and designs, or noisy jewelry, it can distract a student who is trying to listen in class.

7. Let Students Fiddle with Something: Many children with learning difficulties are right-brain, tactile learners. Right-brain learners are people who use the right side of their brain (the creative side) for learning and processing information more than the left side. These people tend to be very creative. Tactile learners learn best with their hands. I call these right-brain/tactile-learners, "RBTL's."

"RBTL" children can be frustrated in school because schools are set up to accommodate left-brain, auditory and visual learners. "RBTL" children have difficulty learning in this type of classroom setting. Although they see and hear the information, the brain doesn't process that information through the auditory and visual senses very well. They prefer to learn and explore through their sense of touch (tactile). "RBTL" children are still going to try to learn, but because they are tactile learners, they may pick up their pencil and flip it or fiddle with something. Then they get in trouble, when all they were trying to do was learn through touch. Even though they are very bright, they very often get labeled as learning disabled or trouble-makers. Most of these children improve immediately when they are given something to hold and feel (fiddle with) while reading, listening and doing other learning activities. This helps tactile learners use their visual and auditory senses more effectively. I recommend a small smooth stone or some other quiet object that feels good to the child.

8. Use Mozart Music with Ear Phones: Researchers have discovered that people who listened to ten minutes of Mozart before taking an intelligence test scored higher than people who listened to ten minutes of relaxation instructions or who for ten minutes sat in silence. Scientists speculate that some kinds of music stimulate certain neural pathways in the brain. I recommend that my patients listen to Mozart audio tapes while studying or reading. I always recommend that these students use headphones because it blocks outside distractions. Many parents have reported that homework time is cut in half. If the teacher has given the class instructions and wants them to sit quietly and work on their own, they can put the headphones on and listen.

9. Be Aware That Allergies Affect Behavior Adversely: According to Annals of Allergy, 1993, allergies can cause learning impairment. The researchers found that the allergic child was significantly less knowledgeable than controls and that, children with allergies were less successful in school in every way. Allergies affect the brain as well as the nose eyes and lungs. A child with allergies may be unable to sit still and concentrate because of allergies, not ADHD.

10. Let the Student Help Others: Everyone has strengths in some area. Children that struggle in reading may be very creative and excel in art. Acknowledge the child's ability and provide him/her with an opportunity to help someone else work on an art project. This makes a very strong statement to that student and the rest of the class that everyone has valuable abilities. It builds self-esteem and helps to promote new skills in the other students. It also teaches each student that it is okay not to know how to do everything as successfully as someone else. It also provides opportunities to learn new skills.

I recommend that we see only the best in our children. All children want to learn and want to please us. With a balance of calm and active time, in a healthy environment, where they are well fed, with quenched thirst, and helpful tools available, they can learn in their own styles. I hope these ten steps will help arm you in the battle against the unnecessary drugging of our children.

Dr. Mary Ann Block was compelled to go to medical school at the age of 39 to save her daughter after doctors made the child ill with inappropriate use of psychiatric drugs for a bladder infection. Today her daughter is a healthy adult as a result of her mother's determination and devotion. As Medical Director of The Block Center in the Dallas/Fort Worth area, an international clinic for adults and children with chronic health problems, Dr. Block now offers other parents the same kind of health care she desperately needed for her own child. A tireless advocate for children, Dr. Block has been traveling the country speaking to parent and professional groups and at legislative hearings on the dangers of the psychiatric drugging of our children. Block has been featured on the CBS news show, 48 Hours, MSNBC's Scarborough Country, and The Montel Williams Show, and interviewed on CNN News, NBC`s Home Page, Fox Network News, The Today Show in New York, The Joni show on Daystar, Your Health with Dr. Becker and is a medical contributor on Trinity Broadcast Network as well as such magazines as Newsweek, Better Homes and Gardens and radio and newspapers across the country. For More Information on Dr. Block visit

Tuesday 26 October 2010

Devout religious people atheists - what is the difference?

In American society, we have all sorts of religions and beliefs. We have a lot of people who believe in no, or on the fence; Yes, I speak Agnostics or atheists. Now then, I would like to keep a recent conversation that I I have on this subject. Not long ago I taking me with knowledge, he said. "Even though I can't say that I believe in a God, it seems to be, to the human conscience, we are led to believe,"of course, is a way to open up a whole can of worms indeed.""

So, I explained that I too had difficulty understanding the attractiveness of religion and said, it would be foolish to think of something or a story that a group of humans formed to serve you willingness to control.But, moreover, is just a more sophisticated Santa Clause.Nature version like develop indefinitely so that you can not return and argue with them when you find you've been done.

Speaking of that, I'll bet that one could easily become a schizophrenic if they had been indoctrinated in very young religion and spend their life talking to friends invisibles.Et perhaps, this is why accomplished many Christians, he thinks - schizophrenia, he said have an advantage IQ 15 points. This is a great advantage, and mild schizophrenia would therefore be a benefit in respect of many, which could be the reason that there is actually quite brilliant scientists who buy in religious stories.

And too who points, believing that you get what you need or want, could be a symptom of mild schizophrenia, more than the power of the spirit of requisition it by quantum mechanics in the holographic universe?There are therefore que.Maintenant then "just because a person is paranoid does not mean that they do not get their," both options are therefore;

(A) people like Rupert Sheldrake are at least partially correct.or

(B) the power of the mind is so powerful that he can himself cunning that is something we see all the time in different human behaviour and not only by how they vote, but enter them into the Kingdom and the spectrum of behaviour.

It is difficult to say why believe in superstitions, invisible friends or founded religious god (s), but we know that they are, so perhaps it is wired theory is based reality and books like;"Genetics of God" is more accurate as we may think? please consider it.

Lance Winslow is a founder retired to a national franchise chain and is now leading thinking online .Lance Winslow believes that it is difficult to write articles 20 000;

Note: All Lance Winslow articles are written by him, not by automated software, any computer program or artificially software intelligents.Aucun articles are outsourced, PLR content or written by ghost writers.

Monday 25 October 2010

How to recognize schizophrenia?

The symptoms of schizophrenia can be easily recognized by family who believe that the person is not used it any more and for checking until the physician members.

Schizophrenia starts a depression. This is followed by losing interest in personal hygiene, by Zinta or insomnia and noticeable social isolation. Bizarre behavior will develop with irrationality in the statements and actions. Indifference will install the same inactivity even old relations will be denied. Some could become hyperactive and develop intense concern with religion write non-stop phrases meaningless, and perhaps even to drug and alcohol abuse.Fainting is common with disability showing emotions like crying or rire.Si reach laugh makes a strange manner making it inappropriate.

Some may lose their interest in sports and will not be able to concentrate used and forget many things. Some development extreme reactions to the criticism and will even try to runaway.

They seem to be so afraid of others refuse to touch everything and everyone and could wear gloves protection.Ils could also adopt postures strange to not reach what whatsoever. They peered usually people, and sometimes they not blink for a long time and when you're talking about they use strange language structures.

In the worst cases, they may attempt suicide or self mutilate.

In these cases sometimes are preferable for families to except the schizophrenic person .c ' is an act of love, not a rejection and could mean an increase in the independence of the schizophrenic person.Family do not stay for a hospital and cannot take care of the sick without a person pointed to develop physical and psychologiques.En damage giving that person the independence time spend with the family will be more productive because stress will not be involved more.

A schizophrenic person not having a lack of intelligence will sense if it became a burden on the famille.Il is not fair to make undergo a guilt which is not directly responsible for.

Family members must try to get their lives and to develop their lives social trop.Cela does not mean that they will forget about the ill person, this means that they will try to preserve their health too also take care of the sick person.

For more resources on the types of schizophrenia or even paranoid schizophrenia, please follow this link

How - that schizophrenia is manifested?

When a child is diagnosed with schizophrenia parents are shocked because they cannot understand how a child who is intelligent and looks good could be sick than.

Schizophrenia is accompanied by symptoms such as any other disease, but they differ from one person to the other .certaines people could have a single episode of schizophrenia in their entire lives, but in others, schizophrenia may show more frequently and for longer periods of time.

The first notice there is something wrong with someone who are members of the famille.Ils consider that the person is not as he used any more and for a check up to the doctor.

Because schizophrenia gives perceptual difficulties the ill person may refuse to contact with strangers and isolate itself from the other.

They become less interested through their usual activities, including work and personal hygiene and this alert members of their families that something is wrong.

Schizophrenia gives personality changes at first only for minor changes, but after a few changes clear time. Inability to show emotions like cry or laugh will install after a certain time, and if they are able to laugh that they are in a strange manner making it inappropriate.They become indifferent and social activities and eventually they isolate themselves.

Thoughts disorder will install in most cases, and ill persons will not be able to concentrate used for and many things will forget.They usually develop a problem with the talk, they use strange language structures.Still, they seem confused and jump from one subject to another .Certains could become hyperactive and develop intense concern with religion, believing that they have a special mission, will write non-stop meaningless phrases and could use drugs and alcohol.Some development extreme reactions to the criticism and will even try to runaway.

Due to changes in perceptions in their brains, the sick person can see, feel and smell of things that aren't there, are not vrais.Toutes protests the hallucinations.Dans are the worst cases, they may attempt suicide or auto-mutiler because they seem to dire.Tous voice their senses are chamboulés and sometimes even telephone ring might be confused for a fire alarm and cause restlessness among them.

Schizophrenic individuals realize that they have problems with their sense but they try to hide all symptoms far, they will be keeping a secret.Ils does deny all these facts and will avoid any situation that makes them face to face with the fact that they are different.

These sick are still fear that they will be abandoned by the relatives, and that is why the soutenir.Tout and family must always stand next to them what they need is love, patience and understanding.

For more resources on the paranoid schizophrenia, or even the types of schizophrenia, please follow this link